Our News
Public Notice for Airport Projects
The City of DeQuincy, LA as sponsor for the DeQuincy Industrial Airpark hereby announces its proposed Fiscal Year 2022-2024 Triennial DBE Goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) airport construction projects as indicated below:
Fiscal Year 2022: N/A
- Improve Airport Drainage/Erosion Control (Design) – Less than $250K No DBE Goal Required
Fiscal Year 2023: 8.73%
- Airfield Drainage Improvements: 7.12%
- Airfield Pavement Sealcoat: 9.91%
Fiscal Year 2024: N/A
No Federally Funded Project Anticipated
Overall Three-Year DBE Goal FY22-FY24: 7.78%
A teleconference will be held on April 25th, 2023 from 10 AM to 11 AM Central Standard Time for the purpose of consulting with stakeholders to obtain information relevant to the goal setting process. If you would like to comment on the proposed DBE goal, please dial into the teleconference at (415) 464-6800 with conference code 2180581# or email [email protected].
The airport’s DBE goal methodology is based on what the airport anticipates receiving for FY 2022-2024. Significant changes to the projects as stated will require an amendment to the DBE goal.

LAKE CHARLES, La. (KPLC) -Louisiana’s Economic Development Department has now “certified” a fifty-acre industrial park in DeQuincy.
That means a business looking for fifty shovel-ready acres can find them in DeQuincy.
For many years the Industrial Park next to the airport has been available but has had no development. But now the site is certified by the LED which means it’s been investigated and examined to detect any issues that might disrupt a new business startup.
The announcement was made this week at city hall.
Economic developers hope the designation will help attract new tenants to the park which is zoned for light industrial or commercial use.
Gus Fontenot is with the Southwest Louisiana Economic Development Alliance.
“It provides a major advantage in that it allows a business to get to market much faster. They don’t have to worry about any delays that could pop up based on something that comes up after, such as the site being an environmental issue, an endangered species issue. A cultural artifact is found. Any of those things that would cause a major delay,” said Fontenot.
For DeQuincy, the certified park offers the prospect of more residents living and working in the same city. Now, many have to travel to another city for work. Dequincy City Planner Mary Jo Bayles says they hope it will lead to jobs.
“To a town the size of DeQuincy if we had a visit that came in that had 50 to 100 jobs, it would be like 1500 to 2000 in a city the size of lake Charles,” said Fontenot.
She says they want quality of life things that come with growth.
“Theaters, restaurants, that type of thing”
So now– they wait. The availability of the site, suitable for commercial and light industrial, is being advertised and they are hopeful. For more information about other sites in Louisiana check out the Entergy site selection web site. The LED has information about apply for site certification.